Axis of Action



Axis of Action is an imaginary line that runs through the main subjects of a scene, defining spatial relationships between characters and objects. It is a fundamental concept in continuity editing to maintain consistent screen direction.

Key Principles of the Axis of Action

  • The camera should not cross the axis during a cut, as it would flip screen direction, causing confusion.
  • Helps maintain consistent eyelines, movement, and geography in a scene.
  • Crossing the axis can be done intentionally for stylistic purposes but requires a smooth transition, such as a camera movement across the line or a neutral shot on the axis.

Axis of Action & the 180-Degree Rule

The 180-degree rule is based on the axis of action, ensuring that all shots stay within a consistent semicircle to preserve spatial continuity.

Common Uses of the Axis of Action in Filmmaking

  • Dialogue Scenes – Keeps character positions clear.
  • Action Sequences – Ensures smooth movement continuity.
  • Blocking & Staging – Defines visual composition and camera placement.

180 Degree Rule & How to Break it

Video: 180 Degree Rule explained by Cinecom

Additional Reading

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